When Should You Repair or Replace Your HVAC System?

Determining the right time to repair or replace your HVAC system can be difficult. Fortunately, our HomeWorks team is always here to DELIVER MORE with our expert services. We have listed a few signs to help you identify when it’s time to replace your system. Keep reading to find out what they are!


A telltale sign of whether or not your system is due for a replacement is its age. The Department of Energy recommends that homeowners replace their systems every 10-15 years. Newer systems are Energy Star rated or energy-efficient and can even be paired with programmable thermostats. If you do choose to upgrade your system, you have the potential to save up to 40% on your utility bills.

Cost of Repairs

Like all good things in life, your HVAC system will require some attention. If you begin to notice frequent repairs, there are a few things to consider. If the repair is half the cost of a new system, you are most likely better off replacing it in the long run. Each time a repair is made, it is important to keep in mind that your system will no longer be able to perform at peak efficiency.

Running Cycles

If you begin to notice your system cycling for longer than usual, it’s an indicator that your system is in need of repair. Your HVAC system may be struggling to reach the desired temperature it is set to. There are a few factors that can be causing this, so it’s important to have a HomeWorks technician come out and inspect your system.

Utility Bills

Although it is normal for utility bills to vary throughout the seasons, bills in the same months, throughout different years should be similar in cost. As your HVAC system ages and deteriorates, it is expected that your bills will rise. By replacing your HVAC system, you are guaranteed to save 20-40% on your utility bills.

If you are experiencing one of these issues, it may be time to replace your HVAC system. Call us today and let our HomeWorks team make your home WORK. We are here to keep you and your family comfortable all year long. Give our team a call today to schedule an appointment (651) 237-2698.