What Happens to Your A/C Unit When You Don’t Perform a Tune-Up?

If you want to keep your air conditioning unit running efficiently and effectively for years to come, it is important to perform regular tune-ups. Unfortunately, many homeowners fail to perform this essential maintenance task and may not understand the consequences of their negligence. In this blog post, we will discuss the effects of neglecting to perform a tune-up on your air conditioning unit and the importance of having regular maintenance performed by a qualified HVAC technician. Read on to learn more about what happens when you don’t perform a tune-up on your A/C unit.

Higher Energy Bills

When you don’t perform a tune-up on your air conditioning unit, you may be faced with higher energy bills due to an inefficient system. Regular tune-ups and maintenance help ensure that your system is running at peak performance and that it’s not wasting energy while cooling your home. An efficient A/C unit does not have to work as hard to cool your home and uses less energy than an inefficient one, saving you money in the long run. During a tune-up, an HVAC technician can identify any issues that are making your system less efficient and take steps to rectify them. Without these measures, you may find yourself paying more for cooling your home.

Reduced Lifespan

One of the most costly consequences of not performing a tune-up on your air conditioning unit is a reduction in its lifespan. An air conditioning unit that does not receive regular maintenance can be expected to last up to 20 percent less than one that does. The main reason for this is that when dirt and debris accumulate inside the unit, it becomes harder for the system to do its job efficiently. As a result, it has to use more energy, which can create extra wear and tear on the components. When these components aren’t replaced or cleaned regularly, they will eventually break down, resulting in costly repairs and replacement parts. This can significantly shorten the life of your air conditioning system. Additionally, as dirt and debris build up over time, airflow is also restricted, leading to reduced cooling capacity and forcing your air conditioner to work harder, thus shortening its lifespan even further.

Discomfort in Your Home

One of the most obvious signs that your A/C unit is not functioning properly is the discomfort you feel in your home. If your unit is not receiving routine maintenance and tune-ups, it could be running inefficiently, leading to higher temperatures in certain areas of your home. Furthermore, without regular cleaning and servicing, your A/C unit can start to make strange noises, which can be disruptive. Finally, without proper maintenance, you could find yourself with an accumulation of dust and dirt in your ducts and vents, leading to poor air quality in your home. All of these issues can cause discomfort for your family and make it difficult to enjoy your home environment.

Frequent Repairs

When you neglect your air conditioning system, it will start to malfunction more frequently and require more repairs. Not performing regular tune-ups can cause your system to malfunction at an increased rate and lead to many costly repair bills. Without the proper maintenance, small problems such as clogged filters or loose wires can quickly become large problems, resulting in a need for a new system. Small repair costs, such as replacing parts or wires, can add up quickly and become costly. Furthermore, if you choose to ignore these issues and don’t perform a tune-up, the problems can become worse and require a complete replacement of your A/C unit. This can result in very high costs that could have easily been avoided with regular maintenance.

It is extremely important to keep up with annual A/C maintenance, as neglecting to do so can lead to numerous costly issues down the road. If you’re not sure when the last tune-up was completed for your unit, it’s best to get it checked out sooner rather than later. Regular maintenance helps you avoid costly repairs and energy bills and ensures that your unit lasts for years to come. Taking preventative steps now to maintain your A/C unit can help you enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient home for many years to come. Is your A/C currently not working? Let our HomeWorks MAKE IT WORK for you by contacting us today.