Get Ahead of the Heat: The Benefits of Turning on Your A/C Early

As the temperature starts to rise, many of us will be reaching for our air conditioners to keep cool. But did you know that you can get ahead of the heat by turning on your air conditioner before the summer really hits? Doing so can bring a multitude of benefits that will help you prepare for the warm months ahead. In this blog post, we’ll explore why turning on your A/C early is a great idea and some of the ways it can benefit you.

Saves you money in the long run

Turning on your A/C early can save you money in the long run. When the warm months hit, many people turn on their air conditioning units, only to find out that their unit is not working as efficiently as they should be. This often leads to costly repairs and replacement costs. By turning on your A/C before the heat hits, you are able to make sure that your unit is running properly and prevent any unexpected repair bills. Additionally, turning on your A/C early allows your unit to be running at its most efficiently, meaning that you are able to get the most out of your energy dollars. This saves you money in the long run and helps to keep your electricity bills down.

Helps your A/C unit last longer

If you wait until the heat of summer is upon you before you turn on your A/C, it will not only be difficult to cool down your home, but it could also lead to increased wear and tear on your unit. By turning your A/C on early, you give it a chance to run without being overworked. This allows the refrigerant, fans, and other components to warm up slowly and lubricate moving parts, which can prolong their lifespan. Also, if you catch any issues early on, you’ll have a better chance of fixing them before they become major problems and further damage your system. Additionally, running your A/C regularly keeps dirt and dust from settling in the evaporator coils, which helps prevent corrosion and clogging. This can reduce your chances of expensive repairs down the line.

Gives you a chance to make sure your A/C unit is working properly

Turning on your air conditioning unit before the summer months hit can give you a chance to make sure it’s working properly. This can help you avoid any costly repairs or breakdowns during the heat of the season. Before you switch it on, you should check that all the vents are open, clear away any debris or leaves from around the unit and inspect any hoses or ducts for any blockages. You should also replace your air filter regularly as this can help to keep your system running smoothly. Once you’ve taken care of these basic tasks, turn on your A/C and let it run for a few hours. This will give you an opportunity to identify any potential problems such as strange noises, inadequate cooling, or water leaks before you have to rely on your unit when temperatures soar. By taking the time to properly maintain and inspect your A/C unit, you can ensure that it will be ready to go when the summer heat arrives.

Gets rid of any musty smells in your home

One of the worst things about summer is the musty smell that can sometimes come with the heat. As temperatures rise, so do humidity levels, which can cause a damp smell to fill the air in your home. Turning on your A/C before the heat hits allows you to get rid of any musty smells in your home. This is because running your air conditioner will help to avoid this before it becomes a noticeable issue. Additionally, if you haven’t used your A/C unit in a while, it could have gathered dust and other particles that could also be causing the musty smell. Turning it on early will give you a chance to clean the filter and other parts of your A/C unit and get rid of any bad smells.

Makes your home more comfortable during the hot months

The last thing you want during the hot summer months is an uncomfortable home due to a malfunctioning air conditioner. By turning on your A/C before the heat hits, you give yourself a chance to make sure it’s working properly. An efficient air conditioner can make all the difference in maintaining comfortable temperatures and keeping energy costs low.

To get the most out of your A/C unit, take some time to adjust the thermostat to a temperature that works best for your home. This might be a little cooler during the day and slightly warmer at night. Depending on how hot it gets outside, you might even need to adjust the thermostat again.

Turning on your A/C early can be a great way to prepare for the warm months ahead. It not only helps you save money in the long run, but it also helps your A/C unit last longer and gets rid of any musty smells in your home. Plus, it gives you the chance to make sure your A/C unit is working properly and make your home more comfortable during the hot months. So don’t wait until the heat hits – take advantage of the cooler temperatures now and turn on your A/C early!