Eight Plumbing Problems Homeowners Face (and How to Solve Them)

Plumbing problems can be a major source of stress for homeowners. From clogged toilets to leaky pipes, plumbing issues can often seem like an insurmountable challenge. Fortunately, many common plumbing problems have simple solutions. In this blog post, we’ll cover eight of the most common plumbing issues homeowners face, as well as the steps you can take to fix them. Read on to learn how to troubleshoot and tackle these pesky plumbing problems!

Clogged Drains

One of the most common plumbing problems homeowners face is a clogged drain. Clogs can occur in the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower, or bathtub. Clogged drains can be caused by many things, such as a buildup of food particles, soap residue, grease, and hair. The most effective way to prevent a clogged drain is to be mindful of what you are putting down your drains. In addition, using a mesh strainer over your drains can help catch debris that might otherwise cause a clog.

If you find yourself dealing with a clogged drain, one of the first solutions you can try is using a plunger. Place the plunger over the drain and plunge it several times to see if the clog is cleared. If this does not work, you may need to use a plumber’s snake, also called an auger. This device will help break up the clog and allow water to flow freely again. If neither of these options works, you may need to call a professional plumber, like our HomeWorks team, who can assess the situation and provide an appropriate solution.

Dripping Faucets

Dripping faucets can be an annoying and costly problem for homeowners. A single dripping faucet can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year, significantly raising your water bill. Fortunately, a dripping faucet is usually an easy fix. To repair a dripping faucet, a plumber will check the washer and O-ring first. A worn-out washer or O-ring can cause your faucet to drip. Replacing these parts is easy and can be done with just a few simple tools. If replacing the washer and O-ring doesn’t work, it’s possible that the valve seat inside the faucet may be worn or corroded. This can prevent the washer from making a good seal and cause the faucet to drip. 

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be a frustrating problem for any homeowner. It can make it difficult to shower, wash dishes, and complete other daily tasks that require water. Luckily, there are a few potential causes of low water pressure and some simple steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue. 

• Clogged aerator: the small mesh screen at the end of your faucet may be clogged with sediment or dirt. 

• Corroded pipes: If your home is older, the pipes may have corroded and need to be replaced.

• Poor water supply: Your local water utility could be experiencing low water pressure due to regional weather conditions or other factors. 

• Check your aerator: Remove the aerator and clean it of any debris or dirt. Reinstall the aerator and check for any improvement in the water pressure.

• Check your shut-off valve: Sometimes the shut-off valve that controls your home’s water supply may have been closed too far, reducing the water pressure. Open it fully and check for an increase in pressure. 

• Contact your local utility: If the two above steps don’t resolve your issue, you may need to contact your local water utility. They can provide additional advice and troubleshooting steps specific to your area. 

Fixing low water pressure can be a simple process or it may require professional help depending on the cause. Troubleshooting the issue and finding out what is causing it will help you determine if you should enlist the help of a plumber or if you can solve the problem yourself.

Running Toilets

A running toilet can be an annoying and expensive problem to deal with. This issue is usually caused by a worn-out or broken flapper valve, which is the mechanism that seals the water from flowing from the tank to the bowl after flushing. If your toilet keeps running after it has been flushed, it’s time to inspect and replace the flapper valve.

Leaky Pipes

A common plumbing problem homeowners face is leaky pipes. Leaky pipes can cause considerable damage and can be quite costly to repair. It’s important to detect a leaky pipe as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring. Signs that you have a leaky pipe include visible water staining on walls and ceilings, water bill spikes, mold growth, and the sound of running water in areas where none should be present.  If you suspect that you have a leaky pipe, you’ll need to act quickly to fix it. It may be necessary to replace the entire pipe if it’s too old or corroded. You may also need to replace any damaged insulation or drywall around the pipe. If the pipe itself appears to be in good condition, a simple repair job may be enough.

Water Heater Issues

Water heaters are an integral part of most households. Without them, it would be difficult to have hot water for showers, laundry, and washing dishes. Unfortunately, water heaters can become prone to issues over time that can affect the quality of your hot water and even cause damage to your home. 

The most common water heater problem is sediment buildup. Over time, minerals in your water settle in the bottom of the tank, creating a thick layer of sediment. This can make your heater work harder, resulting in higher energy bills. You can address this issue by flushing out your water heater every year. 

Sewer Line Clogs

When it comes to plumbing problems, sewer line clogs are some of the most serious. A clog in your sewer line can cause wastewater to back up into your home, leading to a disgusting mess that nobody wants to deal with.  The most common cause of sewer line clogs is tree roots. As trees grow, their roots can find their way into your pipes and create blockages. Grease and other debris also contribute to clogs. It’s important to keep an eye out for signs of a sewer line clog, such as foul odors, slow drains, or backups of sewage in toilets or sinks. Taking preventive measures like using strainers in sinks and avoiding flushing non-flushable items can help you avoid clogs in the first place.

Burst Pipes

Burst pipes are one of the most serious plumbing problems that homeowners may encounter. If a pipe bursts, it can lead to water damage and costly repairs. In order to avoid a burst pipe, homeowners should be sure to inspect their plumbing system regularly for any signs of wear and tear. If a pipe has already burst, it is important to act quickly in order to avoid further damage. First, shut off the water supply to the affected area. You will then need to contact our HomeWorks team as soon as possible to repair the damage. In some cases, the plumber may be able to repair the pipe without needing to replace it. However, if the damage is too severe, they may need to replace the entire pipe.

In order to prevent pipes from bursting, there are a few simple measures you can take. Be sure to check for any visible signs of damage on your pipes. If you notice any corrosion or leaks, have a plumber come out and inspect it immediately. Additionally, be sure to turn off the water supply before leaving home for an extended period of time. This will help prevent any pipes from bursting due to freezing temperatures.

By being proactive about inspecting your pipes and taking steps to prevent them from bursting, you can avoid a lot of costly repairs. Be sure to contact a professional plumber if you have any questions about your plumbing system and how to keep it running smoothly.

In conclusion, plumbing issues can cause major headaches for homeowners. If you run into one of these issues don’t hesitate to call our HomeWorks team. We will tackle your issue with ease and ensure your plumbing WORKS again.